Laboratory Services
At Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center, testing and integrated medical records are a key part of care. Laboratory professionals manage everything from routine diagnostic tests and screenings to providing valuable information for doctors to develop care plans for complex disease.
Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center's laboratories are dedicated to quality service and patient-centered care. Laboratories provide everything from blood bank services to a wide range of testing capabilities, including:
- Clinical chemistry
- Coagulation
- Hematology and immunohematology
- Immunology, immunochemistry and serology
- Microbiology and virology
- Urinalysis
We also offer advanced pathology services including:
- Cytology and cytopathology - The study of individual cell abnormalities, often used to diagnose cancer.
- Cytogenetics - Blood or bone marrow cell studies to examine chromosomal changes.
- Histology - The study of tissue under a microscope.
- Molecular diagnostics - DNA/RNA analysis studies.
- Surgical pathology - The study of tissues removed during a biopsy to help diagnose disease and determine treatment.
The laboratory at Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center is staffed 24 hours a day, and doctors are promptly provided test results to assist them with patient care decisions for inpatients.